3 vital reasons why law firms must use cloud solutions

With over 18,000 private law practices in Australia, nobody can deny that the Australian legal industry – and its lawyers – are a shining gem among the world’s legal professionals. There are a wealth of reasons why this is the case, but as a managed service provider (MSP) with expertise in supporting law firms’ technology, we like to shine a light on the technology solutions that make up a law firm’s IT environment, supporting them in their daily operations.

But before we make a list of all the solutions that legal practices can deploy, we’ll let you in on a little secret … cloud solutions are where it’s at. That’s right, the world of cloud computing can offer law firms enough benefits to fill up a textbook!

But before we get started on the three reasons why law firms should be using cloud solutions, it may be a good idea to remind ourselves of the basics of cloud computing.

What is the cloud in simple terms?

The cloud is essentially an internet-powered provider of computing services, allowing users (including law firms) to host and manage their resources remotely, often at a much lower cost than traditional on-premises options. Cloud computing environments can take on one of four types: hybrid clouds, private, public, and multi-clouds.   

From project management software to video conferencing solutions, the cloud can deliver various services in the form of the following:

Cloud solutions and services tend to be offered to customers through subscriptions, making budgeting for them much easier than people may think. With these subscriptions, organisations are able to invest in the degree of services that are most relevant to their needs, meaning we don’t have to worry about underspending or overspending on our cloud tools.

3 reasons why law firms need the cloud

There can never be a moment where we mistake the cloud as a business trend. Cloud spending is a multi-billion-dollar game that all companies in the legal field ought to invest in.

1. Seamless collaboration

The cloud provides lawyers with the ability to collaborate with their co-workers using different (authorised) devices and platforms. As cloud-based tools are hosted and are made accessible through the internet, this allows their data to be accessed, edited, and saved from any location – and by anyone with authorised access. This makes compiling reports and working on presentations a breeze, along with granting lawyers more flexibility and mobility to be the star of their own courtroom drama (but with tangible results)!

Cloud computing tools like Microsoft 365 also allow lawyers to share files securely. This means that any information that is shared is done so within an environment that has more preventative measures than Parliament House. We understand. Law practices are high-energy environments, and they already have technology solutions enabling processes. 

But with cloud platforms and tools backing them, lawyers will be able to improve their firms’ teamwork-centric culture, collaboration abilities, and become more productive than a robot-powered production line. 

2. Improved cyber security

Between making it to court on time and juggling multiple cases at once, there’s a chance cyber security can be an afterthought for lawyers. Thankfully, cloud solutions have come to the rescue!

From Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform, cloud computing allows lawyers to store their data in a secure, off-site environment. This handy little capability is a must-have addition to any legal practice management plan as it provides data backup solutions that can be utilised in the chance a cyber-attack or natural disaster occurs.

At the same time, as cloud solutions often leverage automation to carry out their user’s needs, this means that security patches and updates are rolled out automatically – lawyers can trust that their data is safe and secure and that they have a strong grasp over who has access to it.

3. More efficient IT environments

Since cloud services and technology solutions don’t require in-house IT infrastructure (apart from employee devices to access them), law firms can save money and time as they don’t have to manage and maintain additional infrastructure themselves. And as an added bonus, cloud solutions are just like their namesake. They don’t take up real-world space within the office, resulting in a physical IT environment that’s cleaner than a bar of soap and takes up less room than a tic-tac.

But what about the software side of the cloud? Well, it’s all about flow and cohesion, like a good yoga session. Cloud solutions like the aforementioned Microsoft 365 possess high degrees of integration and interoperability, making it easy for lawyers to share data across software applications and devices. Synchronicity is the name of the cloud game, and with it, law firms’ IT environments are more efficient and scalable than ever before.

Managed IT support for law firms from an Australian-based IT company

The cloud isn’t fictional, and a law firm’s dream of efficient workflows and secure data management needn’t be fictional either! With cloud-based information management systems and workplace tools, law practices will be able to become more efficient and scalable, allowing them to better serve their clients and spend more time on what they do best – winning cases and fighting for justice. 

At Atarix, our legal IT experts offer managed IT services for law firms that are eager to scale up. Our legal IT support services cover a range of solutions, from administering and monitoring cloud technology solutions to offering a reliable support team that can offer security awareness training. So, what do you say? Give us a phone call, and let’s upgrade your IT infrastructure today!   
