3 ways legacy technology solutions undermine your business

While we’d never want to think our tools are anything but useful, the reality is some of our organisations’ information technology (IT) solutions aren’t delivering on their intended uses. Legacy systems are nothing more than deadweight for companies, with 90% of organisations citing old technologies as a reason for being unable to innovate.

And in a time where artificial intelligence can boost business efficiency and cyber security solutions are constantly challenged by more threatening security risks, outdated technology is doing nothing but stopping companies from reaching the stars.

There are 3 crucial ways outdated software and hardware is negatively impacting businesses. If we know what these are, we can address these issues head-on and keep our business operations zooming along like a bullet train.

What are legacy systems?

Think of it like using a quill and pot of ink to fill out a form when there’s a container of retractable pens within reach. Legacy systems encompass all technology solutions that are no longer supported by their developers, making them obsolete and reliant on ineffective security measures. 

Despite this, they’re continued to be used by organisations as, to a degree, they still run and support business operations. But that’s the problem. Familiarity and comfort breed technical complacency. This can result in legacy systems stunting business growth and weakening computer systems. 

3 ways legacy technology solutions undermine businesses

To be fair, legacy applications and hardware were the talk of the town when they were first released. But as society continued to innovate, thanks to advancements in technology, these systems and applications dropped (not just fell – dropped) out of fashion. Nowadays, business operations that run on legacy systems may not be offering the most value to their users and customers.

If we’re going to improve our business operations, replace legacy tools with modern solutions, and create a modernised workplace, we need to be able to identify the problems legacy tools grant us and overcome them ASAP.

1. Increased cyber security risks

As legacy operating systems still have data and applications associated with them, they present a cyber security risk for users. It’s important to remember that outdated software applications and hardware are not supported by their creators. New updates aren’t rolled out, and patches that could be used to fix weaknesses are non-existent. And when we use them to power our business processes, we inadvertently leave ourselves unprotected and open to several cyber threats.

On the flip side, staying up to date with software developers and other vendors can allow us to leverage the latest technology solutions to enable our business operations. These tools already possess modern security features, granting organisations the ability to detect, respond to, and mitigate security breaches and other cyber threats.

2. Inefficient business operations

Similar to how the Industrial Revolution brought about a new era of machine-powered businesses, digital technologies have created a time where our customers expect fast service and great results. That’s where the problem lies with legacy systems.

These systems were designed to operate according to a set of well-known and established procedures and protocols from yesteryear. They take forever to load, their performance may be jerky, or they could be missing convenient features. Consequently, they can’t keep up with today’s expectations, resulting in them being unable to scale or meet the demands of modern businesses.

We can’t say the same for companies that replace their legacy systems. New technologies are developed in accordance with new mindsets, allowing us and our tools to be effectively on the same page (so to speak). When we update our IT solutions – whether it be through a data migration process to the cloud or consolidating several tools into a hub (à la Microsoft 365) – we’re able to discover new opportunities for innovation and achieve new levels of flexibility and scalability. 

3. Ridiculous maintenance costs

When our companies have technology solutions that increase organisational efficiency, it can feel like we’ve won the lotto. But when we utilise outdated IT environments, it’s like winning the Powerball but being forced to give the money away. Legacy systems are high-maintenance networks that require constant attention and fixes.

Since they aren’t actively supported anymore, they tend to need specific maintenance services that can be costly and time-consuming compared to modern solutions. Our business operations manage our competitive edge. Rather than pouring stacks of resources into ensuring outdated tools can keep us afloat, we need to have technology solutions that can help us fly.

By taking our processes and integrating them with newer systems, we’ll be able to save money and time on technical maintenance. And with those two resources in our pockets, we’ll be able to (literally) spend more on improving our services and products, making us more responsive to customers while making them more loyal to us.

Modern technology solutions at your fingertips

Old operating systems and tools are wholly ineffective in today’s business world. Not only do they pose security risks, but they can also make our companies inefficient and unreliable. When people label our organisations with any adjective that isn’t positive, it reflects badly on our reputations.

But for companies whose business operations take full advantage of modern technology solutions, they’re in a different boat. These organisations have the latest tools and software, and they’re able to keep pace with their customers’ needs. Their employees are more productive to boot.

The IT strategists at Atarix have the expertise you need to identify your company’s legacy tools and replace them with modern solutions. With our team, your business will be able to leverage the latest technologies and see your goals come to fruition faster.
