8 Terrifying signs businesses need managed IT support

Halloween is in the not-too-distant future. But that doesn’t mean the spooky season will come and go for companies, especially when their IT systems are ensuring business operations are running faster than kids in a lolly shop.

No matter how many four-leaf clovers we carry around to prevent it from happening, technology can go on the fritz, stalling services that companies need to operate at maximum efficiency. When this happens it’s a pain in the backside, but hey, no pain no gain right?

We all need to be alert for the signs that tell us our organisations need managed IT support services.

1. Companies about to undergo mergers and acquisitions (M&As)

M&As comes with a suite of emotions: anxiety, excitement, despair – just like the ending of Game of Thrones. But it’s a trend that will continue to play out for Australian businesses. According to a Deloitte survey, 52% of respondents expect the size of M&A deals to increase over the next 12 months.

The importance of a digitally safe and efficient M&A has never been more vital. Managed service providers (MSPs) are businesses that specialise in providing IT support and maintenance to other companies. From ensuring security in cloud computing solutions to managing data transfer, an MSP can do it all.

2. IT networks reliant on legacy products

IT 101: a legacy product is an out-of-date hardware or software solution that a business relies upon. The problem with legacy systems is that they become a money pit, forcing their users to pay for a network that requires constant – and expensive – upgrades.

This is where MSPs come into play. MSPs provide companies with a team of experts whose knowledge of current and emerging technologies is built upon years of industry experience. MSPs can assist clients in locating and sourcing technology solutions that leverage the latest advancements in the IT field, optimising technical infrastructures for market demands.  

3. Ineffective decision-making

We’re not talking about the regular old decisions like, ‘What should I have for breakfast?’ or, ‘Will my date notice me climbing out of the bathroom window?’ We mean the choices that drive organisations. IT infrastructures collect and store data for their users. They’re effectively a pool of information that can be used to drive and influence decisions.

If organisations are basing their decisions on anything but data, that can be risky. MSPs provide clients with the tools and expertise they need to ensure systems run smoothly and efficiently. This increases the reliability of companies’ networks, allowing them to gather data continuously for more accurate decision-making.

signs business needs it support

4. Poor cyber security strategies

Cyber threats are like pimples. They show up at unsuspecting moments and damage their victim in several ways, including a stained reputation and data loss. However, unlike spots, cyber threats do not go away. An organisation’s cyber security strategies need to be constantly updated and maintained to ensure they take into account the latest threats and practices.

MSPs’ expertise includes cyber security. An MSP’s team stays updated on the latest cybercrimes and helps customers enhance their security measures with services including (but not limited to):

  • Security awareness training
  • Risk assessments
  • Identity and access management
  • Application management

5. Little to no business continuity and disaster recovery plans

If anyone is thinking, ‘Again with the definitions?’ Hold on tight cause we’re about to get into the Quarter Pounder of data protection. The terms below are essential for organisational success:

  • Business continuity (BC) – the capability of continuing crucial business operations during a disaster and its aftermath.
  • Disaster recovery (DR) – strategies for restoring an organisation’s IT systems after a disaster.

The aforementioned concepts relate to the plans that business owners and their teams create to ensure that duplicated data is backed up to external sites and that critical operations can resume quickly. 

MSPs are well-versed in BC and DR plans. Not only can they help customers choose which secure storage platforms to transfer their data into, but they can also help businesses create and update BC and DR plans, improving response times in the event of a disaster. 

6. Subpar workplace collaboration and communication

This sign should be a no-brainer. 83% of employees rely on technology for collaboration. If we can’t talk to our co-workers, or worse, our customers and stakeholders have to rely on smoke signals to meet with our team, then something’s wrong. 

MSPs can supply businesses with the tools and programs they need to keep staff connected 24/7/365. From industry-leading unified communications solutions to cost-effective project management tools to delegate tasks, MSPs deliver comprehensive solutions that serve as the foundation of a work environment that prioritises teamwork and open communication.

7. Employees are unable to do their work

Companies are comprised of a wide range of departments and roles, from customer service teams to human resources. Everybody (including the co-worker that makes water cooler conversations just … awkward) wants to feel reassured that their employer is providing them with the utmost support.

There are several ways to do this, with optimised IT at the top of the list. If team members are stressed over their tools, or do not know how to use them effectively, it can negatively impact the organisation’s morale and lead to a loss in productivity.

MSPs can help with this by providing business owners and their teams with the tools and training they need to use their technology efficiently. MSPs can also install and upgrade IT systems, reducing the likelihood of disruptive downtime and ensuring core business operations function as intended.

8. Improper office setups and network connections

Home IT setups are one thing, but office networks are an entirely different beast. Between the mountains of desktops, servers, and cables… it can be complicated and invasive. However, all those parts are a necessary evil – they keep operations running and allow teams to tap into their business’s services. But, if employees have to tumble around hardware like an acrobat just to get to the lunchtime meeting, or outages are becoming increasingly common, that’s a clear sign something’s wrong.

MSPs are the rulers of the IT jungle. Their technicians have the expertise and experience to install network solutions and keep them running 24/7/365. They know how to correctly upgrade systems and store them in a way to ensure they do not disrupt their users’ daily schedules and spaces.

Managed IT support unique to your business

Business owners deal with a lot, and temperamental IT networks – like burnt popcorn – are the bane of everyone’s existence. It’s impossible to ignore the value technology brings companies and their teams, but without the knowledge or time to manage them effectively, IT becomes a burden.

That’s why we’re here! Many companies have invested in the managed IT services at Atarix for a service desk that provides high-quality support and top-tier service. Organisations that are just about to throw their computers off the roof can contact our team for advice and exceptional support.
