Cloud security in mergers and acquisitions: must-know facts!

The IT and business side of the internet is filled with terms like cloud security, software-as-a-service (SaaS), data centres – a whole encyclopedia’s worth of words that don’t mean much unless someone wants to fall down a rabbit hole dug by tech companies.

However, for businesses about to undergo mergers and acquisitions (M&As), they’re terms that can’t be overlooked. M&As can be stressful, but ensuring that all business data is safe can help the process be seamless.

What is cloud security?

Cloud security (or cloud computing security) refers to the measures and policies that an organization uses to protect its data in the cloud – off-site servers housed inside data centres (FYI, buildings that host IT systems for companies to store their information and programs on). The cloud is accessible via the internet and through any device that can connect to it.

The whole point of cloud security is to protect the integrity of data and the people it belongs to, reducing the chances of cyber attacks or data breaches. We wouldn’t want our information to be seen by malicious actors, so there’s really no reason to think our customers would want the opposite.

What is cloud security comprised of?

Despite an army of vendors and a million names for the same services, the ideas behind the security measures implemented into cloud solutions are the same. It’s a good idea for business owners and managers to swear by these factors when implementing a solid cloud security strategy.

Secure cloud environments leverage:

  • Governance – the standard regulations that cover a business’s data security responsibilities in the cloud.
  • Identity and access management (IAM) – the action of managing users’ authorised access to cloud-based networks.
  • Security information and event management (SIEM) – leverages software that studies data, detects anomalies, and performs threat analysis.
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery – comprehensive plans that detail how businesses will prepare for, face, and overcome natural and man-made security threats.
  • Data loss prevention (DLP) – measures and tools that help protect businesses from exposing confidential information.


Australia’s cloud market is expected to surpass $14 billion by 2025, making it a prime target for malicious actors wanting to exploit unsecured systems. It doesn’t matter if a business’s systems run on a public cloud, a private one, or even a hybrid, cloud security is fundamental to the success of any organisation.

If we keep our cloud infrastructures secure, we can keep one eye open on the latest cyber threats and the other on our evolving business.

mergers and acquisitions

How do cloud services assist businesses during M&A transactions?

This can be kind of a heavy question and we’re not interested in bogging anyone down with details. So, let’s keep this simple. When companies merge or acquire another, two entities are essentially thrown into a blender and everyone crosses their fingers hoping that whatever comes out is profitable and innovative moving forward.

During an M&A, companies are trying to blend the following characteristics together:

  • SaaS products
  • Hardware
  • IT cultures and roadmaps
  • Workplace values
  • Branding
  • Data
  • Critical operations
  • Departments
  • Expertise and priorities


Before the skies opened up and gave our operating systems the cloud, combining the points above was a headache. Nowadays, cloud services help businesses merge quickly and seamlessly as they don’t have to worry about traditional hardware and real-world barriers.

With the power of the internet and the cloud, companies have a much easier time sharing essential information, accessing correspondences and tools from anywhere, and transferring data from one source to another.

How can cloud security help businesses during mergers and acquisitions?

Just because a business acquires another, or a few join together to become the Avengers of their niche, it doesn’t mean cyber security strategies and practices can be tossed in the shredder. It’s the opposite, it’s now more important than ever that sensitive data is safe from security risks. 

During an M&A, cloud security solutions can assist businesses in the following ways:

  • Maintain a solid reputation – everybody and their dog has eyes locked on businesses undergoing M&As. Any sign that signifies data loss results in a blow against the business’s reputation.
  • Ensure compliance with cyber security best practices – from maintaining strict access control measures to automating safety procedures, cloud security protocols make it easier for companies to secure their data according to current regulations.
  • Deeper insights into organisational security – unlike the human eye, cloud security programs are designed to not miss minute details. During an M&A, cloud security provides users with a more detailed view of their firm’s health, allowing organisations to respond to threats faster and update strategies.
  • Optimised protection – as cloud solutions are maintained by everyone other than their users, any updates are performed automatically, reassuring businesses that their information’s security is robust 24/7.    
  • Increased responsiveness – cloud security solutions shorten the time it takes companies to retrieve and access information. Employees can feel confident knowing their data wasn’t compromised and integrations can continue seamlessly.


Ideally, an M&A will go off without a hitch and the newly established business will come out running. That isn’t always the case. However, dynamic cloud security solutions can help mitigate these issues and make a sensitive time less painful.

Tackle M&As with our cloud security experts

M&As can throw companies and their employees for a loop, and just like having to work on the weekend, they can be a complete and utter nightmare. A company’s IT networks and data are precious and need to be kept secure when transitioning from an independent organisation into a merged or acquired enterprise. 

At Atarix, our cyber security services are our bread and butter, and when we slap on our expertise in the cloud and track record of guiding clients through their own M&As, we give organisations access to the entire buffet! Businesses can reach out to our team of cloud security specialists today to protect themselves with the latest cloud security controls, solutions, and knowledge.  
